Jefferson Davis Parish Public Library

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January Librarians Lines

Librarian’s Lines

Dr. Linda LeBert Corbello

January 2017


Our library system enjoys working for our patrons and fulfilling our mission statement in the process.   Providing R & R classes and FYI classes have been very successful with our adult population. I commend Iris Hollier-Holland, our secretary, for arranging the Jennings classes.  I commend the branch managers Kitty Marsh, Jean Stoute and Deanna Lemaire for arranging adult classes at their libraries.   


We recently hired a new Mobile Branch Manager, Tracy Trahan.  She comes to us with energy and fabulous ideas for enhancing our Mobile Branch services.   A new schedule has been issued that will provide the Mobile Branch services more often and in different locations.  All patrons will be delighted with her genuine concern for others and her friendly personality.  Ressie Stutes has been hired as Assistant Branch Manager for Elton.  She has so much energy and creative ideas to share with the Elton patrons.


Commendations are in order for Denice Sonnier.  She has been reassigned as the Cataloger/Technologist.  As part of her new duties she has implemented an excellent offer entitled: HOW DOES THAT WORK?  Here is information from the handout that can be picked up at any library on what she provides for patrons:

Have you ever asked that question?
Do you wonder how to use overdrive or need to know how to create a resume?

Whatever the question is we want to help!!

How Does That Work?
is our way of answering those
tech questions you have!

Time: 1:00—3:00PM

Elton Library—1st Wednesday of each month

Welsh Library—2nd Wednesday of each month

Lake Arthur Library—3rd Wednesday of each month

Jennings Library—Call for appointment or email:  Denice Sonnier @ 824-1210 or [email protected]


A new addition to our library is ONE PLAY…where a patron can download video games via our library website!   Over 1500 PC games and over 500 Android games can be downloaded anywhere and anytime.  There are no holds or waiting as the games are always available.   Share this idea with teens, friends and your family. These games are the latest ‘rage’ among young people.  Games can only be downloaded from an individual’s home to their device.   How awesome is this???

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