Kids Corner
Jefferson Davis Parish Library Kids Corner
Start your child on the path to literacy, get a free library card today!
Early Literacy
Prepare Your Child for Success!
Register your child for the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten and help prepare them for success! This program is open to all children ages 0-6 and you can enroll them anytime throughout the year. It’s FREE, FUN & EASY! Click here to register.
Baby Navigator
Filled with info on things you can do to give your child the best start in life, from experts and organizations that work with children birth to 3 years old.
Zero to Three
Works to ensure that babies and toddlers benefit from the early connections that are critical to their well-being and development, including resources for parents and caregivers.
Baby Sign Language
Videos and printouts to help babies and caregivers learn sign language.
Articles for Families on Literacy
Great selection of articles with book suggestions and activity ideas for promoting a family that loves to read.
Learning to Talk Apps
Apps recommended by Common Sense Media for helping babies and toddlers develop their speech skills.
K-12 Learning
Be Internet Awesome
As our kids enter a new school year that’s full of digital learning, it’s important to teach them how to be safe & wise on the internet. This site will help.
Chromebook Help
First time using a Chromebook? This site will help you get started in using & setting parental controls on these devices.
Homework Louisiana
IXL Math
Recommended by Jeff Davis Schools for students to practice math; a free account lets students work 20 problems free per day.
Jeff Davis Parish Schools
Jeff Davis Parish Schools Facebook
Things change fast, follow the Jeff Davis Parish School Facebook page for news & resources relevant to your K-12 child.
Khan Academy
Learning Express Library
Louisiana Believes
Use your library card to access this HUGE collection of animated, talking children’s books, including a lot of your favorites from childhood. There is an app available as well.
World Book Online
World Book Encyclopedia is available free to all Jeff Davis Parish School students. Access it through the school’s homepage (scroll down until you see left Main menu). You will need a student ID & password (which you get from your school).
Family Learning
Crash Course
Dave Conservatoire
Fun Brain
Offers free online games and activities for grades 1-8, searchable by grade level.
Hour of Code
This site is dedicated to developing the next generation coders and provides top sites and advice for learning and teaching it.
National Geographic Kids
Check out this magazine at the library, then let your kids explore online for more learning and fun!
Sign Language 101
This free video collection makes it easy to begin learning American Sign Language.
Storyline Online
An award-winning children’s literacy site that streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations.
Story Pirates
Story Pirates is a group of world-class actors, comedians, improvisers and musicians who adapt stories written by kids into sketch comedy and musical theater.
Story Time from Space
Watch astronauts read children’s books while in Space. How cool is that!
This is THE PLACE to begin learning 3D design and is appropriate for all ages.
A unique learning site for ages 8-15 covering many subjects, from art to marine biology, from civics to programming. Through this online community, kids learn about internet safety AND the real world.
JDP Library is teaming up

The Premier Coding Platform for Libraries and Schools
Fiero Code is a game-changer for public and school libraries, providing them with the tools to introduce coding as an accessible remote-access digital resource.