Jefferson Davis Parish Public Library

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June 2019

“It takes a village to raise a child” — African proverb 

Every year, Jeff Davis Parish Library offers a Summer Reading Program that is top-notch and only possible through the support of others.  This summer, our village of supporters has expanded and we are able to offer more programs and more incentives for reading.  For this month’s Library Lines, I’d like to acknowledge the individuals and organizations who make up this village. 

Thank you to the JDPL staff who all pitched in to make this summer a success.  Selecting space themed books, stamping coupons, dropping off promotional flyers, creating elaborate decorations, designing creative programs, writing grants – our staff did all of this and more! 

Thank you to the Arts and Humanities Council of Southwest Louisiana and the Louisiana Division of the Arts, for awarding us Decentralized Arts Funding which paid for all of our professional performers.  This funding allows us to bring highly talented performers to our parish for enriching experiences that we would otherwise be unable to provide.

Thank you to the Jennings Kiwanis and Jennings Carnegie Library, for partnering with us to provide a fun way for families to learn about summer activities.  The Super Summer Sign-Up event was a success and we registered 51 children for the Summer Reading Program at that event!  A special shout-out to Charlie Williams, Melody Bertrand, Will Hetzel and Tony Hulsey – the hard-working Kiwanians who made this event possible – and to Tanya Gaudet for giving us shelter from the rain.

Thank you to the City of Jennings and the following local merchants who donated coupons, which are being given to children who complete the Summer Reading Program: 

  • Main Street Deli 
  • Mr. Clint’s 
  • Pappy’s 
  • Peto’s 
  • Snow B’s Express 
  • Sonic 
  • Tiger Mart 

Thank you to the following locations for providing the space we need for large gatherings: 

  • Beulah Davis Center, City of Elton 
  • James O. Hall, American Legion Post 19 
  • Lake Arthur Community Center 
  • Presbyterian Church of Welsh 
  • Roanoke United  Methodist Church 
  • St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church 
  • St. Lawrence Catholic Church 
  • Topsy Baptist Church 

Thank you to the families who are attending our events and registering your children for the reading program.  All of our hard work means nothing without your participation, and we are so grateful for your support.  We know how busy you are, and it means the world to us that you are taking this time to encourage a love of learning and reading in your families.

As they say, “it takes a village,” and during this summer it is obvious that the Jeff Davis Parish village is raising a community of future readers and leaders!

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