Jefferson Davis Parish Public Library

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August 2016 Librarian Lines

Librarian’s Lines
August 2016
Dr. Linda LeBert-Corbello
“Louisiana Libraries: Shaping the Future.” This is this year’s theme for the Louisiana Library Association. My first job working in a library was the summer of 1969 when I graduated from high school. I worked at Calcasieu Parish Central Library on Pujo Street in Lake Charles while attending McNeese State University. Upon graduating from McNeese I was a school librarian for a period of twelve years! So much has changed. I actually typed catalog cards and meticulously filed them in those wooden card catalog cabinets. Teachers actually were using 16mm films to enrich classroom learning. There were no computers and no one knew what the Internet was! Encyclopedias and reference books of all types were what students used to complete research.
How incredibly fast have our society and our libraries moved into shaping the future. Besides the age old supply of books and materials, libraries are core centers for all types of information science. The databases offered via our connection to the State Library of Louisiana are amazing sources of information for people of all walks of life…the student, the researcher, the teacher, the citizen, the children, the explorer, the traveler, the adventurer…the list is endless. Jefferson Davis Parish Library continues to provide as many sources of information and books and materials as is humanly and financially possible. Please enjoy your local library!
Welsh Branch Manager Denice Sonnier has been promoted to Cataloger/Technologist. Ms. Sonnier is an eleven year employee of the library system and was welcomed with open arms by all members of the Jennings staff. Ms. Sonnier will be working with the process of cataloging our library materials as well as providing all services regarding technology! Jean Stoute has been promoted to Welsh Branch Manager. She worked in a variety of capacities for the library to include children’s programming, teen programing, nursing home and assisted living visits and a number of other ‘job roles’ for the library system since 2014. Lisa Royer, our new Assistant Branch Manager in Welsh, comes to us with many skills as an educator and is certainly going to be an asset to the Welsh community.
A FAX Machine will be installed at Jennings Headquarters within the next few weeks. After continually having numerous calls regarding fax services, Denice Sonnier, one of our staff members delved into a study determining what would be available. After her research and discussion, it was decided that we will have a self –serve FaxScan24 Kiosk set up. All other library branches do offer fax services! A phone line connected to the Fax Machine will instruct the patron on how to utilize the Kiosk. Debit cards or credit cards will be the only method of payment for faxes. One may ask the question, “What if I don’t have either card?” Many stores offer debit cards for a small fee. The cost for faxes will be $1.75 for the first page and $1.00 for each additional page. I certainly hope this service will assist our patrons in situations in which a fax is needed.
Another service that is available is personal tours and demonstrations for teachers or librarians requesting such services. Denice Sonnier recently provided a tour for students from Bethel Christian School. The students were able to work on the computers to ‘tour’ the Jefferson Davis Parish website and databases available to include:
? Pronunciator-“Learn one of 80 languages, practice English as a Second Language or study for the citizenship test.”
? Learning Express- “A comprehensive interactive learning platform of tests, courses, software tutorials, and career preparation for students and adults.”
? Louisiana Gumbo-historic Louisiana photographs
? Louisiana Homework
? Freegal- E-Music
? Overdrive- E-Books
? Zinio- E-Magazines
? Cypress Resume
? Accessing books using the online catalog (OPAC) was also introduced. Finally, a history of the historic post office that became our wonderful library was shared. Teachers and librarians are welcome to visit and learn more about the tremendous opportunities that await them and their students at the library.

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