October-Librarian’s Lines
Linda LeBert-Corbello
“The library is not a shrine for the worship of books. It is not a temple where literary incense must be burned or where one’s devotion to the bound book is expressed in ritual. A library, to modify the famous metaphor of Socrates, should be the delivery room for the birth of ideas-a place where history comes to life~ Norman Cousins”
I recently found this quote…it was buried beneath a stack of favorite quotes that I have collected. It sparked a few ideas within me. I think that a library is not to be worshiped, but respected. Where else can a person find a physical piece of evidence of good thinking, creative writing or ideas that run as long as the world is round? Sure, I know the Internet can fill in for so many things, but for this lady the book will remain my best friend until the day I die. That reminds me when John Kennedy, Jr. spoke of his mother Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis’s death; he spoke of her peaceful passing surrounded by family and added that she was also surrounded by her books. I knew she was a great scholar, a speaker of various languages and a prominent public figure. Yet, when he included that she had her favorite books near her, I was deeply moved.
I moved recently and had to face the daunting task of deciding which of my many books would be moved to my new home. I had collected so many. The task was difficult. I would make a give-away stack and within a few minutes would retrieve a title that I knew I would want to either re-read or refer to at a later date. I brought many books to the
library’s FREEBIE Bin. I am always delighted at the joy some of our patrons have when they find something of interest in the FREEBIE Bin! I still have plenty of books in my own collection. They are really like a best friend! I agree with Socrates when he states that the library and its books are a delivery room for the birth of ideas! Anytime I refer to one of my own books…new ideas are born!
Now on to library business! A need that we have noted within our parish is education on various aspects of technology. Recently, we reassigned an employee, Denice Sonnier to serve as a cataloger/technologist. She had an outstanding idea of how to meet the needs of our patrons by offering classes at ALL branches. Below is her new program. I trust you will find an interest in this amazing outreach program entitled:
How Does That Work?
The Jefferson Davis Parish Library offers many FREE services through our website and databases. Whether you are new to our system or have been here for years you may still be asking the question, “How Does That Work?”
Freegal? Overdrive? Cypress Resume? Legal Forms? E-mail? Etc…
Starting in January 2017, Denice Sonnier will be at each of our libraries once a month to meet with you and answer those questions.
Each library will have a specific day and week each month. Time and date will be posted at your library, on the Jeff Davis Library’s Facebook Page and Website Calendar.
If possible call your library ahead of time with your question. This will allow Mrs. Sonnier the opportunity to prepare to answer questions and teach you a new skill.
Don’t let these great services pass you by. Learn how to use them so you can start enjoying them today!!!
Myra Spears will be sharing the work as children’s story time and teen game time in Lake Arthur Library and Jennings Headquarters. She comes to us with a wealth of knowledge in teaching children. She is a delightful person that will enrich the lives of children of all ages. Her new schedule begins on November 7 2016:
Monday 10 AM-11AM Toddler Time –Jennings
Tuesday 10 AM-11AM Toddler Time –Lake Arthur
Wednesday 4PM-5PM Game Day-Lake Arthur
Thursday 4PM-5PM Game Day-Jennings
A new employee has been hired for the Elton Library as Assistant Branch Manager. Donna Hotard comes to us with a Bachelor of Arts from Louisiana State University. She has extensive experiences in both the teaching field and in the area of library work. We welcome her to her new position and look forward to the ways in which she will touch the lives of the patrons in Elton.
Kay Hebert has been assigned as full-time Mobile Branch Outreach Librarian. Ms. Hebert has been working steadfastly at the ideas for outreach for a number of years. Her expertise and
patience in reaching those patrons in need has always been done in a professional and creative manner. Continue to check our Facebook and Website to see the newest endeavors that she will provide for the homebound, the rural communities and the many creative outreach ideas for all ages. Communities visited include: Fenton, Buller, Topsy, Raymond, Roanoke, Lacassine and Jennings Homebound Patrons. Mobile Branch Manager includes homebound deliveries to the Jennings Veteran’s Home, Jeff Davis Living Center, Camelot and Westminster Apartments. Welsh Branch Manager delivers materials & books to Bayou Villa and Golden Age of Welsh.
Your library belongs to you. Use it to the fullest. If you have any need we have not met, contact Dr. Linda LeBert-Corbello at 824-1210 or 540-6729. We all love our jobs and enjoy the birthing of ideas, sharing of materials and serving the patrons of Jefferson Davis Parish.